What You Need to Know About HubSpot’s Updated Service Hub

What You Need to Know About HubSpot’s Updated Service Hub

How do you engage your customers, ensuring a positive service experience?

It’s a conundrum that organisations across the world have been wrestling with for decades. Good customer service really is the key when looking to improve retention rates, and good retention rates are crucial for business longevity.

The bottom line is that modern consumers expect better service. Fail to deliver, and they’ll head elsewhere.

So, how does the new & improved HubSpot Service Hub make providing superb customer service easier for you?

What is HubSpot’s Service Hub?

HubSpot’s improved Service Hub is a flexible customer service solution that helps organisations to provide help to their customers when, where and how they want it most.

By enabling genuine, human interactions at every stage of the customer service journey, you can ensure that your customers are fully engaged with your service and leave every interaction satisfied.

Sounds great! Here’s how it works:

What’s already in the Service Hub?

The Service Hub’s main body of services hasn’t changed, and it still maintains all its previous functionality:

  • Help desk (inbox) – Spend less time on data entry, and more time resolving customer queries.
    • Enhanced search
    • Agency presence
    • Conversation forwarding
  • Omni-channel service – Meet and manage your customers on their preferred platform.
    • Ticket pipelines
    • Ticket automation
    • In-app chat
    • Chat bots
    • Facebook Messenger
  • Surveys – Keep your finger on the pulse of what your customers are thinking.
    • NPS/CES/CSAT surveys
  • End user features – Help your customers to help themselves and reduce the number of support requests.
    • Knowledge base

While this is already a relatively comprehensive offering, the team at HubSpot realised that there was room for improvement.

What’s new?

That’s why they’ve gone ahead and added a smorgasbord of features designed to allow you to provide the high-quality customer service experience that your customers expect:

Help desk (inbox)

    • Custom views in inbox – Help your support team to stay focused, giving them flexibility to create views directly in the inbox.
    • Mobile help desk – The HubSpot iOS app is getting a big update! This helps your support staff to remain productive on the go. Insert snippets and articles in replies, and integrate with HubSpot’s mobile CRM, too!
    • Customer portal – The improved customer portal can now be customised to create a tailored, optimal customer experience.

Omni-channel service

    • Inbound calling – Currently in beta, inbound calling will allow Service Hub users to receive calls and place outbound calls directly from HubSpot.
    • Conversation APIs – Centralise all conversations into your HubSpot, ensuring that nothing is lost. You can learn more about Conversation APIs by clicking here
    • Channel switching – Seamlessly switch from live chat/Facebook Messenger to email, providing the customer with a complete conversation history in the process.


    • Post chat feedback – This feature encourages customers to provide feedback, helping you to improve the customer experience in the future.
    • Custom surveys – You can now create custom feedback surveys to send to your contacts. Use custom questions, star ratings, radio selects and more.

End user features

    • SLAs – A service level agreement will help you set clear goals and benchmarks for your team. You can learn more about SLAs by clicking here.
    • Service analytics (new reports) – Gain deeper insight with out-of-the-box reports that helps you improve your service for the end user.

Does my business need HubSpot’s Service Hub?

Many organisations cobble together a customer experience system out of odd pieces of software, which can work just fine, but why wouldn’t you want the most convenient option possible?

This latest update to HubSpot’s Service Hub has broadened the offering in a huge way, meaning that it’s now the perfect solution that’s designed to fit snugly into any organisation’s existing processes.

There’s never been a better time to integrate HubSpot’s Service Hub. To reflect this massive update, HubSpot will increase their price from the 2nd May 2022, so now’s the best time to revolutionise your customer service and snag a deal in the process!

Need HubSpot support? Get in touch!

At Catalyst, we’re HubSpot Platinum partners and HubSpot Impact Awards winners, which means we support our clients with HubSpot day in, day out (and do a good job of it, too!).

If you’re after a little HubSpot advice, or you’re after our (HubSpot endorsed) onboarding service, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team.

Alternatively, reach out to us using the below details:

E: hello@wearecatalyst.co.uk
T: 0121 296 5275

Looking for more? Check out our HubSpot Ultimate Beginner’s Guide by clicking here.

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