The Power of Contact Data – Are You Leveraging Yours?

Data = growth. 


As organisations, we hold VAST quantities of data on existing customers, potential customers, suppliers and more. 


However, the average company only utilises roughly 37-40% of their data. Why? Because you don’t have the tools required to make the most out of it.

If you’re not leveraging your contact data to communicate with them at the right time with the right message, you won’t see true value. You can have all the information in the world on your prospects, but you need to speak to their needs in order to see success.

The secret lies in your CRM – does your existing customer relationship management software provide you with the tools needed to truly make the most out of your contact data?

In this blog, we’ll run through the importance of the message you’re delivering to your data, and how your CRM should be supporting you in delivering this message and growing your business. 


Here’s what your CRM should be doing for you:


Better engage with prospects at the right time

The key to successful engagement lies in timing. 

Are you reaching out to your prospects when they are most likely to respond? Regardless of your audience or persona, different prospects and customers will be at various stages of the marketing funnel. It’s crucial to identify these stages and tailor your interactions accordingly.

You want to consider:

  • The number of touchpoints the prospect has seen – Successful marketing is all about touchpoints. On average, it takes 8 touches before you’ll convert, meaning that you need your messaging to be hot across multiple channels, including your blogs, socials, website and more. 
  • The prospect’s job role – The way you approach a managing director will differ from how you talk to someone lower down the ladder. Ensure that your messaging is tailored to the pain points of the role you’re targeting. This will ensure what you’re saying better resonates with the recipient (rather than being ignored, as every other message does). 
  • The prospect’s industry – Every industry will have pain points, and these pain points will change according to the season, legislation and other industry factors. If you’re targeting a specific industry, ensure that you know what’s happening in both the prospect’s business and their wider sphere. This will help you craft a message that will tick all their boxes. 

You might think that there’s no way your data can help you do all of the above, but you’d be surprised what you can do with a pool of data, a good CRM and a competent marketing specialist by your side. 

Want to see if your data is marketing ready? Get in touch with our specialists; we’re here to offer impartial advice on how best you can use your data. 


Align your team across departments

Do your sales and marketing teams work in silos, or are they working closely together to drive your ongoing success?

Without a good CRM, it’s very easy to fall into bad habits. You need all of your teams to be on the same page regarding where a prospect is in their journey and what the next steps are. 

This alignment ensures that your marketing, sales, and customer service teams can collaborate effectively, leading to deeper and more impactful interactions with prospects.

A good CRM will automatically track a prospect’s progress, alerting the relevant parties to the next steps they need to take, ensuring no prospect is ever missed. 


Deliver the right message at the right time

Any successful marketing strategy relies on delivering the right content at the perfect moment. This requires a deep understanding of the customer journey and the ability to create content that resonates at each stage – your data is crucial in getting this right. 

Unique and tailored content not only captures attention but also nurtures relationships, guiding prospects towards conversion.

Your content should be broad and cover every part of your funnel, including:

  • Educational content – This content usually sits around the top of the funnel. Here, you want to answer frequently asked questions, provide useful industry insights and balance entertainment with education. The goal is to establish yourself as an industry expert.
  • Awareness content  – As a prospect becomes more familiar with your business, it’s time to start nurturing them further. Whitepapers, guides and video content are especially important to solidify your reputation. 
  • Validation content – Finally, once a prospect has reached a certain trigger point towards the bottom of your funnel, it’s time to butter them up ready for sales. This is where case studies, testimonials and other content is ideal, demonstrating that you’re a trusted entity they should invest in. 

Again, your CRM allows you to map content to your sales funnel, automating your comms so that the right prospects see the right content at the right time. 

Without a CRM, your data will need to be managed manually (a job that nobody wants to do!). 


Track and analyse customer interactions

Your data needs to be carefully tracked and analysed at every possible opportunity. 

You need to know what interactions your prospects have had with your staff, what the outcome of any conversations were and what content a prospect has seen – the more you know, the better you can tailor the rest of the sales process. 

By tracking the steps that lead to either a conversion or an opportunity, you can make informed decisions that nurture prospects or modify your approach to improve your process. This data-driven approach allows you to see what works and what doesn’t, enabling continuous optimisation of your marketing strategies.


What CRM do we recommend?

There is one complete CRM that stands head and shoulders above the rest – HubSpot

HubSpot was built from the ground up around contact data, meaning that it’s built with the sole purpose of managing each touchpoint of the customer journey. It’s also designed to be easy to use for you, the customer. Once your CRM is set up and your teams are up to speed, HubSpot seamlessly connects your teams and ensures nothing ever slips through the cracks again. 

HubSpot provides:

  • A fully fleshed out CRM
  • Flexibility to change your contact view so you can see all the important information
  • A suite of powerful marketing & sales tools
  • Comprehensive reporting tools and dashboards
  • Automation to fully segment your data
  • Full visibility – everything you need at the click of a button


Make the most of your data – get specialist support

At Catalyst, we are not only HubSpot experts, but we also have experience in managing the entire marketing process across all departments. 

It’s our job to get to know your business inside and out. We use this information to identify two things:

  1. Your growth goals
  2. How best to use your data to meet the aforementioned growth goals

Your CRM needs to be completely unique to your business. We’ve helped hundreds of businesses to personalise their HubSpot portal to meet their specific requirements. 

Our HubSpot onboarding process is designed to upskill your teams, ensuring they have everything needed to see a better ROI from your CRM.

Your data is there to be used – it’s time that you saw some real value from your data. For a no-obligation, friendly chat, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team today.

We’re here to help you identify how you can make the most out of your data, whether that’s with the HubSpot CRM, or another third-party piece of software. We only ever measure our success on whether you meet your growth goals. 

Let’s talk


Looking to make the most out of your HubSpot?

About the author

Morgan Powell’s the new kid on the block, but while he may be young, he’s extremely knowledgeable when it comes to HubSpot!

He handles the day-to-day management of all HubSpot activities for our clients, from onboardings to training, setup to consultancy. It’s his job to ensure that all of our clients are getting the most out of their HubSpot and meeting their goals. 

Aside from being a HubSpot guru, Morgan likes to spend his spare time playing the guitar, writing music and performing at live events!

Morgan Powell